Saturday, October 31, 2009

Had to write it down while I was thinking

Lol had to write this down. To all that have played FalloutIII you know about the vault boy bobbleheads well on Borderlands I just found a bobbleheads of the dude that's driving the bus at the beginning of the game now that's funny and it also has a reference to A Christmas Story this game is just getting better and better all the time. Zombie out

Thursday, October 29, 2009

First impressions

What's up I told you fools I'd be writing again come Thursday when I got Borderlands. So here is what I think so far. Remember when I told you that I was a little worried about the graphics because of it being shell shaded well not anymore. For some reason I think the shell shaded graphics with this game just seem to fit. As I first entered Pandora, that being the name of the area in which all this takes place, I was thinking great now I have to learn all new shooter controls and for anyone who plays shooters knows that trying to jump from COD to Rainbow to Halo is a very confusing thing to do. On Borderlands though thecontrols are the same as COD 4 which I love I think it's the most fluid control of any game out there. The game has it's comedy points as well. Claptrap that being the lil robot who kinda runs you through a how to kill bandits scene which I thought was funny as he'll cause the lil robot was scared shitless lol. So that's my first thoughts for now I've only played for about two hours so as I make it a lil further in the game I'll write a lil more. This the Zombie and I'm out

Monday, October 26, 2009

Media Blackout/Infinty Ward leaked video

Ok by now everyone has heard about the leaked video of a MW2 multiplayer mode where the player can play in third person. Well here's my thoughts on the whole Infinity Ward media blackout. First of all ya it kinda sucks that your developers disc got taking per say but listen guess who had it a French guy. Doesn't anyone find it a lil strange that fourzerotwo and his entourage were just in France a lil over a week ago. This video only surfaced 24 hours ago. Can some plz explain to me why thus said person did post it as soon as he got his grubby little hands on it. Come on you know all you guys would have posted that shit as soon as you got ahold of it. Personally I think that this video was leaked on purpose with some big wigs approval so they start a media blackout to cover there own tails. Infinity Ward is one if my fave game devolpers. I just dnt want them giving themselves a bad name because of someones mistake. Sure alot was seen and alot was in the video that people hadn't seen yet. But me personally I kinda seen the whole third peson thing coming mainly because of the spectating cam in COD 4. This doesn't ruin anything for us die hard MW fans just makes our mouths water for more. So come on IW if this wasn't a planned media leak let us see this so called uber awesome new features trailer y'all talk about having in the wings. I know it hasn't ruined nothing for me seeing this newly leaked video oh and dnt try to look it up on YouTube either cause it's been pulled of the page. This is CRU Zombie and all I got to say is BRAINsssssssssssssssssss


14 days and just a few hours left CRU, till the revival of the massmurdering, throat slitting, head sniping, boozka blasting, straight raping LORDS of MODERN WAR...........2 baby CRU World Order lol


14 days and just a few hours left CRU, till the revival of the massmurdering, throat slitting, head sniping, boozka blasting, straight raping LORDS of MODERN WAR...........2 baby CRU World Order lol


Ok listen i've found a new game mode to play on COD 4 to play until you know what drops. I was a faithful TD player fro about a year with a lil mix of HQ and Dom whenever the boys were online. Now all I seem to play is Hardcore TD and hardcore HQ. I'm reallying starting to get pissed off though cause I think alot of random players on hardcore seem to want to do nothing more than team kill. WTF is up with that I just dnt get it whats the point in running up and killing your own teammate. There is no challenge to it I mean we assume our allies won't shoot us in the back so we pay them no mind then pop or slice and you drop like u got dropped by an enemy sniper. Only to look down in the kill corner to see it was your own teammate. Do you repay him for his kindness only to start a team kill war or do you just chalk it up to a boob not watching his line of fire. All I know is maybe infinity ward should do something about it. Maybe a boot if you get more than 10 teamkills in less than a few min. I mean the respawn punishment doesn't work they just come right back and do it again. Killing there stupid ass cause then you spark a interteam war. I just dnt know I'm a lil pissed right now is all I can say. This is
Zombie from the CRU Clan and I'm out.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is it real or just a Fallout rip off

Ok so you know his game called Borderland kinda creeped up on me like a freaking ninja in the mist. I really didn't pay any attention to it until after it was released. Now before I go to indep I haven't played it yet this is just me talking before I play it. I have played Fallout III and loved it now I'm just wondering if maybe this Borderland game is just some companies attempt at milking a play style that was loved by many. I'm really hoping this isn't the case. I'm so intrigued by the thought ofthis game it kinda blows my mind. This game is claiming to have over a thousand weapon combos correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a first. The only draw back I see is it being shell shaded graphics but this game I'm gonna give a go because it a shooter with alot of guns. I don't know but maybe it will be badass I'm going to pick it up come payday and I'll blog more about it then. Don't worry though come November 10 it will be nothing buT COD baby this is zombie speaking and it's CRU for life baby

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thinking of 11.10.09

Yo what's up to all you blog junkies I think I'm catching the bug myself. You know I was sitting here in the shore department at my work place and I got to thinking what if modern warfare two ends up like gears two lord forbid. I really looked forward to gears 2 coming out and when it dropped the multiplayer was awful. Cliffy B said they were making a game they wanted to. Why would you mess up something that was flawless to begin with. So now I'm kinda worried about MW2. Not saying I think that Infinity Ward would mess up there modern warfare status on purpose but what if they did. Would all the COD 4 players revolt? You know I really don't think so. I also don't think that Infinity Ward would mess up a formula that that made so perfect with Modern Warfare one. So what am I saying here is just you know just cause a developer makes a game you love don't think that they might turn around and make ones that's awful. Look at Gears 1 it was an amazing game yet for some reason that's beyond every gamers thought completely screwed a good thing up. So to Infinity Ward and Robert Bowling don't screw up a great formula I beg you. You made an amazing game in Modern Warfare which is still one of the most played games on xboxlive so hey how about y'all blow our minds with how the formula stays just same just with more badass stuff. This is Zombie from the CRU clan CRU for life

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just another path on a road that I didn't know I was gonna take

Alright listen I know most of the people that are gonna read this are gonna be people that our from my brotherhood and most will probably call me a fag for writing this but you know I don't care here goes. Most of y'all know that I'm going thru a divorce right now from a woman that at one point in time I didn't ever think I'd be apart from but as most know that we and that person aren't together anymore which is fine with me. Apart from being away from my son Aiden life couldn't be better. I met a woman who it's weird to know has been less than a arms length away most of my life. We went to elementary school together and when I met her it felt like I knew her already. That's what I mean by taking a road I didn't know I was gonna take. We only been together a short period of time but it's amazing to me how well we " click " it seems like I found someone who was made for me. Y'all know me as a gamer and that's something that will never change about me it's apart of my soul I guess you could say. I have finally found someone who understands that by me playing games it keeps ke where I need to be, at home staying out of trouble. This woman is my life now and I'll do anything for her I mean I gave up smoking green for her and all y'all that have known me long know that is something I didn't think no woman could but y'all call me a fag or whatever you wish this is me bitches and y'all punks cAn deal with it. CRU for life

Flagg runner video

I just watched the flag runner video off the new Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer in HD and you know I was amazed you know I really think this game is going to change the game people on XboxLive cause Halo is still one of the top games played on Live and you know that confuses me a lil bit. Why does everyone play such a crappy game even for a fantasy shooter shouldn't it feel more like a true shooter to me the game just feels like a game that's made for kids. I think there is only two newier shooters worth playing online that being Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare and Gears of War not the second one cause I hate the online on that game. The story mode is amazing I luv the story but just the online sucks. Oh I almost forgot make it three games worth playing Call of Duty 5 World at War. That game doesn't keep me involved as long as Gears Of War one did or as long as COD 4 still does. Anyways back to Modern Warfare 2 sorry I kinda got off subject for a bit. The game is going to blow my mind I got so addicted t0 4 I couldn't put it down and I still play it daily. The next installment is going to be bigger and more bad ass like Gears of War 2 promised but failed horriblely. I just dnt see how it could go down that path though cause everything says it's controlled the same as 4 so listen I'm off work release day and the two days following so add me Cru Zombie and let's get that gold cross asap Cru for life

Busting In the front door ready to munch some brains

Yea boy it's the zombie in the house son just wanted to make sure atlwast one of use is posting on blogspot and shizz. Just to rant about something man I can not freaking stand Doom multiplayer every once in awhile you get to play someone who is a noon like me but most of the time the only people who are on are people who rank in the top 10 on TD that's teamdeath match for those who Are not akin to the lifestyle we lead. Man I just got this new iPhone which I'm loving I'm writing this blog from it right now which I must say is sweet. Ok another thing Cru is my clan more just my band of brothers more than anything so that my shizz so hit me up I'll get on and post somemore when I can think of somemore shizz to talk a out PEACE oh ya and just in case it works I'm gonna add a vid of the lil zombie