Thursday, October 29, 2009

First impressions

What's up I told you fools I'd be writing again come Thursday when I got Borderlands. So here is what I think so far. Remember when I told you that I was a little worried about the graphics because of it being shell shaded well not anymore. For some reason I think the shell shaded graphics with this game just seem to fit. As I first entered Pandora, that being the name of the area in which all this takes place, I was thinking great now I have to learn all new shooter controls and for anyone who plays shooters knows that trying to jump from COD to Rainbow to Halo is a very confusing thing to do. On Borderlands though thecontrols are the same as COD 4 which I love I think it's the most fluid control of any game out there. The game has it's comedy points as well. Claptrap that being the lil robot who kinda runs you through a how to kill bandits scene which I thought was funny as he'll cause the lil robot was scared shitless lol. So that's my first thoughts for now I've only played for about two hours so as I make it a lil further in the game I'll write a lil more. This the Zombie and I'm out

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