Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just another path on a road that I didn't know I was gonna take

Alright listen I know most of the people that are gonna read this are gonna be people that our from my brotherhood and most will probably call me a fag for writing this but you know I don't care here goes. Most of y'all know that I'm going thru a divorce right now from a woman that at one point in time I didn't ever think I'd be apart from but as most know that we and that person aren't together anymore which is fine with me. Apart from being away from my son Aiden life couldn't be better. I met a woman who it's weird to know has been less than a arms length away most of my life. We went to elementary school together and when I met her it felt like I knew her already. That's what I mean by taking a road I didn't know I was gonna take. We only been together a short period of time but it's amazing to me how well we " click " it seems like I found someone who was made for me. Y'all know me as a gamer and that's something that will never change about me it's apart of my soul I guess you could say. I have finally found someone who understands that by me playing games it keeps ke where I need to be, at home staying out of trouble. This woman is my life now and I'll do anything for her I mean I gave up smoking green for her and all y'all that have known me long know that is something I didn't think no woman could but y'all call me a fag or whatever you wish this is me bitches and y'all punks cAn deal with it. CRU for life

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